Plant Cycle

Plant Cycle

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Before essential oils are distilled and bottled they begin as a plant. Though there are different types of plants and each grows and reproduces in unique ways, most plants follow the same basic life cycle. This cycle starts with a seed and progresses until the plant becomes full grown and can produce seeds of its own.
Each plant begins as a seed. Seeds come in different shapes and sizes, and each is designed to grow into an adult plant. Seeds consist of a protective outer coat, a baby plant (called an embryo) that will grow into a full plant, and food for the embryo to live on until it is big enough to start making its own food. In order to grow, seeds need three things: nutrients (typically found in soil), light, and water.

Not all soil contains the nutrients a plant needs to grow. Additionally, different plants need different nutrients in order to grow and thrive. As a seed sprouts and develops it absorbs needed nutrients through the roots in order to help it grow. Once the conditions of nutrients, light, and water are met, seeds can begin to grow using a process called germination.
Germination begins with a small root coming out of the seed in search of additional nutrients. With the added nutrients the plant continues to grow until the plant is large enough to come out of the seed in search of sunlight. Sunlight is used by the plant to make food using a process called photosynthesis. This food is essential for the plant to continue to live and grow.

Continued Growth
The plant continues growing, becoming taller with a better root system. This better root system is essential for the plant’s survival. The roots absorb water and nutrients into the plant that are needed for continued development and survival. They also help the plant stay in place, which protects the plant from predators and extreme weather.

Eventually the plant will produce seeds of its own. For many plants this means growing flowers that turn into fruit which contain seeds. The seeds in turn are transported and planted. Seeds can be transported by wind, rain, and animals before they are planted in the ground. Once a seed is planted, it will grow into an adult plant, continuing the cycle.

Essential Oils and Plants

Once a plant has reached maturity, it can be used for a lot of different things. Can you think of a list of uses? How do you use plants? Just a few examples include apples as a great source of food, cotton to make clothing, and wood to build homes and other structures, such as schools and grocery stores.

Plants are also the source of essential oils. Many plants produce essential oils as a way to communicate and defend themselves as they grow. These essential oils can be harvested from the plant using a few different methods, the most common being steam distillation.

In order to get the best essential oil possible from a plant, the plant must be grown in a good environment that meets its needs for nutrients, light, and water. Also, the plant material must be harvested at just the right time. Once these conditions are met, a beautiful essential oil can be distilled that can be used by the entire family to promote health and wellbeing. And it all begins with a seed. 


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